
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TenderLineItemCustomerVerification
Physical Name : TR_LTM_TND_CTVR

A record of how the Customer verified their Identity during the tendering process.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) TenderLineItem(TR_LTM_TND)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint TenderLineItem(TR_LTM_TND)
PartyID (FK) A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Identity integer PartyIdentification(PA_IDTN)
PartyIdentificationTypeCode (FK) A code denoting a form of identification that the customer uses to identify themselves. TY_PRTY_ID Code2 char(2) PartyIdentification(PA_IDTN)
AddressID (FK) A unique system allocated identifier for the Address. ID_ADS Identity integer Address(LO_ADS)
CustomerName The name given by the Customer during the tendering process. NM_CT Name varchar(40)
BirthDate The BirthDate given by the Customer during the tendering process. DC_PRS_BRT DateCalendar date


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Address is used in TenderLineItemCustomerVerification
PartyIdentification is used in TenderLineItemCustomerVerification
TenderLineItem includes TenderLineItemCustomerVerification

Logical Views containing TenderLineItemCustomerVerification

Logical View
Logical 02330 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Macro View
Logical 02336 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Authorization View